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Thoughts on Making Art

Maybe it’s the amount of focus needed to draw something, or to set up the conditions for a photograph, or maybe it’s just a result of an intrinsic need to create something – I don’t know, but something I do know is that the best art happens for me when I’m driven to do it, no matter the lack of motivation. Motivation is pretty difficult for me, and I am very hard on myself, so keeping a constant artistic routine is important to my productivity. Without some form of routine, I just wouldn’t create anything, despite a strong desire to create art. Overcoming thoughts of perfectionism is something I constantly strive to do. But, I am finding peace with my art these days – plus a lot of the best art (and food) comes from making mistakes!

I love photographing and drawing foliage and botanical elements, so that’s likely a common theme to appear across my site as a whole. I quite enjoy drawing foliage that is in different stages of blooming and fading away.

In 2021 I was gifted an Ipad and started drawing with Procreate. I like the versatility the program provided me with my illustrations. Being left-handed, I no longer had big smudge marks across my hand and my artwork.

When I was looking for ways to incorporate video games more into my daily life in a productive way, I immediately decided – I can do video game inspired illustrations, and cook video game recipes and photograph them! Two years later I’m still constantly inspired to keep doing more of this.

Dried garden roses in October, photograph.