Sweet Potato Tortillas


Vibrant and delicious, these homemade sweet potato tortillas are perfect for fish tacos, a chicken caesar wrap, or even just a hearty snack with some of your favourite toppings. They are super easy to whip up in less than an hour, and keep well in the fridge or freezer. Inspired by the tortilla recipe from Stardew Valley, these sweet potato tortillas are just delightful!

The thing I love about these sweet potato tortillas is how incredibly versatile they are. You can use them as wraps for a light lunch, stuff them with your favourite fillings for a satisfying dinner, or slice them into triangles and serve them with some guacamole or salsa for a delicious appetizer. 

They are also quite filling, so 1-2 tortillas is generally enough for one person. They also contain super simple ingredients. All you really need is cooked sweet potato, flour and salt! You probably have at least 2 of these ingredients on hand already…


These simple ingredients also make them a pretty cost-effective food, considering the ingredients are fairly cheap. One sweet potato goes a pretty long way. Plus you can make… probably up to 12-16 of these tortillas in an hour’s time if you make a double batch. 

Can you guess which sweet potato I bought? The biggest one there, of course. It was way too big!

They also keep well in the fridge for up to 5 days, so there you go – your whole week of lunches! Just fill them each day with whatever toppings you have on hand – cheese, avocado, fresh spinach, salsa, scrambled egg, roasted chicken, fried tofu, coleslaw – you can literally put just about anything in these and you have a meal!

If you do want to store these properly in the fridge, store them in an airtight container or wrapped in foil, with some baking parchment between each tortilla. You can store them this way for up to 5 days.

Sweet potato tortillas, stored in between sheets of baking parchment, then wrapped in foil.

Same instructions go for the freezer – store them in an airtight container or wrapped in foil, in between pieces of baking parchment. In the freezer, you can store these tortillas for 2-3 months!

To reheat tortillas, you can microwave them for 30 second intervals, stick them in a frying pan one by one for a minute, turning them over at least once, or you can easily reheat them in the oven. It’s especially easy to reheat a bunch of them at once in the oven if you’ve stored them in foil with baking parchment in between each tortilla – just heat the oven to  350˚F and fire the whole tortillas package in there for about 10 minutes.


Flour Tortillas

Don’t have a sweet potato but still want some tortillas?

If you do want to make these tortillas without the sweet potato, just using regular flour, use this recipe instead. It does also use olive oil and baking powder, but that’s because these are slightly more akin to bread dough, just without the extreme leavening action provided by yeast. The same cooking instructions apply.

Flour Tortilla Ingredients

  • 1 cup flour 
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ⅓ cup warm water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

Corn Tortillas

In Stardew Valley, these tortillas are made with corn. Unfortunately I have a corn allergy, hence why this recipe uses sweet potatoes. 

Tortillas in Stardew Valley: corn

If you want to make tortillas with corn, like in Stardew Valley, you must use masa harina corn flour, otherwise they will not turn out properly.

In terms of the ratios in the tortilla ingredients, try this. Same cooking instructions apply.

Corn Tortilla Ingredients

  • 1 cup masa harina
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ⅔ – 1 cup warm water

It’s also important to know that corn flour can take a while to absorb liquid, so you might want to let the partially mixed dough sit for a couple minutes in between kneading and adding the increments of water. 


How To Cook Sweet Potatoes?

Peel the sweet potato for this recipe, either before or after cooking. Roast the sweet potato at 400˚F for 40 minutes, or cut the sweet potato into chunks, then add them to a pot of boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Once the sweet potatoes are fully cooked and cooled, finely mash or blend them.

Chopped sweet potatoes, ready to roast in the oven.

Sweet Potato Tortillas

Savoury and satisfying sweet potato tortillas. I’ve included the ingredient ratios for both a single and a double batch, along with their respective recipe times, from start to finish.


SINGLE BATCH (6 tortillas) – Ready in 1 hour.

  • 1 cup finely mashed cooked sweet potato (skins removed)
  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2-3 tbsp water
  • 2-3 tbsp extra flour, for dusting*
  • 1 tsp olive oil

DOUBLE BATCH (12 tortillas) – Ready in 90 minutes.

  • 2 cup finely mashed cooked sweet potato (skins removed)
  • 2 cup flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¼ cup water
  • ¼ cup extra flour, for dusting*
  • 2 tsp olive oil

A Note On Flour Substitutions

Most flours should work for this – all-purpose, whole wheat, cassava, spelt, tapioca flour, etc. You may need to incorporate more or less water, depending on the type of flour used.

For The Specific Use Of Coconut Flour

If you must use coconut flour for this recipe, replace the 1 cup of normal flour with 2 ½ tbsp coconut flour + 2 ½ tbsp tapioca starch. Use a mixture of 1 tsp coconut flour and 2 tsp tapioca starch for the dusting.

You will also need to roll out tortillas made with coconut flour directly onto pieces of baking parchment, since you cannot pick them up like normal flour tortillas. They break apart quite easily before cooking.

To pan fry tortillas made with coconut flour, tapioca flour or arrowroot flour, place them upside down in the pan with the parchment paper still attached, then slowly peel off the paper after 15 seconds. Skip the tortilla wiping step.


  • frying pan 
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • mixing bowl 
  • mixing spoon
  • dough mat or cutting board
  • rolling pin
  • knife / pastry cutter / bench scraper
  • cooking Spatula
  • baking parchment


1. Combine the sweet potato, flour and salt in a mixing bowl, then stir to form a crumbly dough.

2. Knead the dough for 2-3 minutes while slowly adding small increments of water, until the dough reaches a smooth malleable consistency and isn’t too sticky. 

Forming a crumbly dough with the sweet potato, flour and salt.
Crumbly dough.
Adding water until the crumbly dough turns to a smooth dough ball that isn’t too sticky.

3. Cut the dough into 6 equal-sized pieces. Roll these pieces into balls.

4. Roll out the dough balls one by one on a lightly floured surface, until they are quite thin, but not breaking apart. Dust the rolled out tortillas with a little more flour, so they are very dry.

Dividing the dough into 6 equal portions.
Rolling the dough portions into balls.
Rolling out a tortilla. Don’t forget to dust your surface and rolling pin!
Storing the tortillas between sheets of baking parchment, ready for pan frying.

5. Heat a frying pan over medium heat. If you’re using a stainless steel pan, rub the pan with a tiny amount of olive oil on a paper towel first (½ teaspoon of oil at the very most). 

6. Cook the tortillas one by one. Start by wiping one tortilla across the pan, then lay it flat:

  • Lay one half of the tortilla down in the pan, while still holding the top half of the tortilla.
  • Using a gentle back-and-forth motion, slowly slide the bottom half of the tortilla across the pan’s surface. As you move the tortilla back and forth, flip the bottom portion of the tortilla so that both sides of the lower half come into contact with the pan. 
  • After 10-15 seconds, carefully move your fingers around to the opposite edge of the tortilla that was just in the pan, and repeat this process for 10 more seconds on the opposite end.
  • Lay the tortilla flat in the pan for 1-2 minutes, until the dough begins to rise up a little and develop darker spots, then flip over and let cook for another 1-2 minutes over low heat. 
Tortilla lying in the frying pan.
Flipped tortilla, cooking in the frying pan.
The desired brown spots on a cooked tortilla.

7. Cook the remaining tortillas one-by-one. Wrap the cooked tortillas in a tea towel so they stay warm until serving. Enjoy!

Sweet potato tortillas.

Simple Stardew Tortillas

In Stardew Valley, tortillas can be made using the farmhouse kitchen or cookout kit by simply having corn in your possession. You can also sometimes buy them from Krobus or the Stardrop Saloon. They are described as a stand alone meal or a “vessel” for other food in the tortilla description.

These tortillas are also needed in a few other recipes in the game, namely the fish tacos, as well as the lucky lunch.

In terms of gifting… nobody loves tortillas! How sad. Pierre and Kent hate them, but almost everybody else in town does like them. The usual suspects just dislike them – Krobus, Leo, Willy and Leah – but why does nobody LOVE tortillas? Hmm?

Probably the most interesting fact for me is that you can make a full-on tortilla shirt if you put a tortilla on the sewing machine at Emily’s house. Just magical! Who doesn’t want a tortilla shirt?


Did you make these sweet potato tortillas? Let me know!

Printable recipe for sweet potato tortillas.

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