Candied Lemon Peels


Delicious and sweet, these candied lemon peels are an extra decadent topping for any dessert. Inspired by the honey candy recipe from Zelda Breath of the Wild, these homemade delights are sure to cure any sweet tooth you’ve got!

Wow, these were super sweet, and surprisingly easy to make! I can see them working perfectly over ice cream, cakes, pudding, custard, pancakes or crepes, just to name a few. I think they’d fit really well with refreshing summer desserts or warm winter ones.

Also, candied citrus peels are an amazing option for homemade candy without the added preservatives. If you’re worried about consuming artificial additives, but have a desperate sweet tooth, these will certainly cure it. Plus you’ll get a side of vitamins!

Citrus peels are high in Vitamin C and contain trace amounts of a few vitamins and minerals. These are still a dessert and should be eaten in moderation, of course, but this is just another reason to enjoy them when you do.


I was inspired to make these candied lemon peels by the honey candy from Zelda Breath of the Wild. Aha, another recipe based on courser bee honey. Well, it does give you stamina from all that sweetness, I’ll say that much. Courser bee honey was just always one of those items I avoided collecting for a long time since I hated getting swarmed by the bees (also I just like bees!).

Energizing Honey Candy in Zelda Breath of the Wild: Courser Bee Honey

I do think it’s kind of cute that the game description of honey candy states that it is “brimming with nutrition.” I still keep wishing it was possible to keep bee hives in Breath of the Wild so that you didn’t have to go around knocking everyone’s beehives down – even though it is pretty great when the bees attack an enemy bokoblin for you!

Onto the recipe for candied lemon peels. Hope you enjoy it!


Candied Lemon Peels

These super sweet homemade candied lemon peels require less than an hour of cooking! You can easily whip them up in an afternoon with very little effort involved. This recipe makes 1/2 – 1 cup of candied lemon peels.


Single Batch ( makes about 1/2 cup candied peels )

  • 2 lemons 
  • 1/2 cup honey / granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp water


  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar

 Double Batch ( makes about 1 cup candied peels)

  • 4 lemons 
  • 1 cup honey / granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup water


  • 1 cup granulated sugar


  • knife
  • cutting board
  • measuring cup
  • measuring spoons
  • cooking pot
  • cooking spoon
  • plate
  • trivet
  • bowl for sugar coating
  • storage container


1. Wash the lemons. You can soak them in water mixed with baking soda for 15 minutes, then rinse them off, if desired. 

2. Cut the peels off the lemons, then slice into strips.

3. Juice the remaining lemon flesh. Remove any seeds, leftover pith or peel.

4. Add the lemon peels, lemon juice, honey or sugar, and the water to a pot. 

5. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium heat and simmer for 30-35 minutes. Stir often so that the peels don’t caramelize to the bottom of the pan.

6. The peels are done when they turn translucent and all the liquid has been absorbed from the pot. 


7. Remove the peels from the heat. Lay them spaced out on a cooling rack over a plate to cool and rest. Let cool for 3-4 hours.

8. Fill a bowl with sugar for the coating.


9. Toss the lemon peels in the sugar until they are completely coated. I suggest doing this in small batches of 3-5 peels at a time. Use a spoon to avoid getting sticky.

10. Store the candied peels in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. You can keep them in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, or in the freezer for up to 3 months.


Does Flowerblight Ganon Like Candy?

Here’s an illustration I drew recently featuring honey candy. I will mention that I don’t always do illustrations with my recipes, but it’s something I’d really like to do more of, when I have the time to do them.


I imagine this is how Flowerblight Ganon might spend her evil days off from guarding her garden around Hila Rao shrine – sitting on the grass eating energizing honey candy, basking in the sun while she plots how to plant new flowers to ensnare her next victims. There’s no other explanation. But a big question arises now – will Flowerblight Ganon be in Tears of the Kingdom? We will know soon – only 3 more days!

Did you make these candied lemon peels inspired by the honeyed candy from Breath of the Wild? Let me know!


One response to “Candied Lemon Peels”

  1. Nicely done, great pictures too!


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